Friday, January 21, 2011

"I'm Full" vs. ". . . But I Already Paid For It!"

It's another whiny Weight Watcher's post, so feel free to skip it if you want to. I won't be offended, I promise!

One of the things WW tries to teach us fat chicks chronic over eaters is how to stop eating before we're so stuffed our pants that are already straining at the seams like a busted can of refrigerator biscuits don't feel comfortable.

I don't know about yall, but I was raised in the Eat What's On Your Plate, There Are Starving Children In China generation. This has had a couple of results: 1) I'm less wasteful, 2) I feel guilty when I don't finish my food, and 3) I learned to completely disregard my brain's natural For The Love of GOD Will You PLEASE Put The Fork Down signals at such an early age that I never learned what "satisfied" felt like. It sounds simple enough, right? Eat until you're not hungry anymore and then stop. But the problem is, if I wasn't suffocating under the weight of way too much food, I thought that meant I was still hungry. There was no middle ground between starving and stuffed.

And if the food's tasty? Forget it- I'm going straight to UnButtonMyJeansVille.

But after doing WW for three years now, I slowly re-acquired that lost ability to stop eating when I'm satisfied; now when I'm overfull, I'm miserable, and it's a great incentive to push the plate away. Yay me for returning to how nature intended my brain to work! Three years sounds like a long time, but when you stop and consider how long it took me to disconnect my full-meter, it's actually a pretty impressive feat.

Yet sometimes, in spite of this new skill, I'll go to put my fork down and take a look at what's left on my plate. And I catch myself thinking, "But I already paid for that!" (translation: I tracked it, and now I feel robbed because I didn't get to finish it). Then the internal argument ensues:

Me: Don't even think about it.

Saboteur-Me: But I TRACKED it!

Me: So what? You're totally satisfied!

Saboteur-Me: But don't they say you should eat ALL your points? If I don't finish this, I won't be eating all my points.

Me: Dude! There's no more space!

Saboteur-Me (in a whiny voice): But it's TAS-ty!

Me (sighing inwardly): It is tasty.

Saboteur-Me (smelling victory): And it's already written down! It's as good as eaten! And I have the points for it, right?

Me: . . . right. . .

Saboteur-Me: It's settled then!

Me (caving): Fine. If you can find some place to put it. . .

But Saboteur-Me has already stopped listening, and is elatedly shoveling the remains of my meal into my eagerly waiting face. I never stood a chance against the conspiracy between Saboteur-Me and her backstabby accomplices- The Taste Buds. Belatedly, my ostensible ally (Stomach) starts objecting to the extra load and starts pushing against her confines (My Jeans).

Me: Where were you ten minutes ago, Stomach?!

*sigh* I get it right most of the time, but I do look forward to the day the wasted points won't matter to me anymore.


Angelia said...

I'm right there with you. I have on occasion taken back my uneaten points. But most of the time I just eat the rest. Like you, I was reminded of the little Ethiopian children that could be fed for 10 cents a day on the commercials-how lucky I was to have the food on my plate, yak, yak, blah, blah.

It's truth that after you learn it, the miserable-ness like doubles or something.

I need to work on slowing down. I eat FAST and I think my body doesn't get a chance to be all "DUDE! Hold up! I'm FULL!" so then I go straight to the HolymotherofsweetbabyjesusmaybeIshouldthrowupnow feeling.

Angelia said...

Oh...and isn't it strange how you start equating points with money!? I'm all like "I can't afford it" and "I already spent my points"

Stephanie Faris said...

I lost 70 lbs. on WW 8 years ago and have kept it off (with the exception of a few gains and losses!) since. I remember our leader talking about wearing "temperature pants." If you have on jeans or pants with a tight waistband, you eat less, especially on holidays or at buffets. I just went to a Chinese buffet and stuck with the crab legs and white rice. Fruit for dessert. The new WW plan sounds like it's great. I need to join up again so I can figure it out.

Angelia said...

That's totally true! But when my pants are a little big I feel so much skinnier!