Saturday, February 6, 2010

Snippet From My Day #6

I smelled my food cooking and instinctively glanced at the clock to see how much time it had left. Once you can smell the food cooking, that generally means it's approaching Done.

Then I remembered I wasn't cooking anything- I was boiling water for tea. Shit, I must've turned on the wrong burner!

I rushed into the kitchen to discover that I had, indeed, turned on the wrong burner, and I was now heating up the trace remnants of last night's Rice-a-Roni (keep your comments concerning the evils of processed food to yerselves, please, I like Rice-a-Roni). I was also melting a plastic spoon to the bottom of the pan.

Fuck me for putting the dinner dishes off till the next morning, I guess. On a side note, Jim is despairing of my future geriatric mental state.


Angelia said...

I have done that. More than once. And-I very much enjoy rice-a-roni.

Corpus Christie said...

Rice a Roni is the shit! It seems like lately i've fallen prey to the organic peoples' Processed Food Is The Devil speeches lately. I mean, I know it's bad for you but Jesus Balls, what ISN'T anymore?!

Alissa Grosso said...

What's wrong with Rice a Roni? It's the perfect marriage of rice and macaroni, and it's the San Francisco treat, and you know that San Francisco is full of all those hippie types. So, it must be good for you!

Also, I've got an award for you over at my blog.


i eventually had to like open the stove and clean it clean it b/c i was down to one burner to cook b/c if i turned on any of the other burners it smelled like i was cooking a dead kitten