Sunday, May 3, 2009

My Random Bits

My Random Bits:

1. People fight with me to get things done. If someone asks me to do something, and i answer that i will, then i will. But i will do it in my own time, which frequently doesn't coincide with the time frame of the person who asked me to do the thing. But the more someone bugs me to do it, the less inclined i am to do it. So if you're going to ask me to do something, be advised that you're best off asking me WAY in advance, and then not mentioning it again.

2. I am a closet lover of "chick flicks". They have to be good ones, though. Nothing starring Jennifer Lopez or Julia Roberts.

I think it's tragic that orange is a Halloween colour...It looks great but cheesy with black all at the same time.

4. At this moment, i have a paper cut on my lip. I have no idea how it got there, seeing as how i haven't licked an envelope or mogged down on a ream of paper any time in recent memory.

5. I think Diet Coke is superior to Diet Pepsi, not because one tastes better than the other, but because i can crack open a can of Diet Coke, let it sit over night, drink it the next morning, and that shit will STILL be plenty fizzy! Diet Pepsi, on the other hand, starts losing its fiz almost immediately, and an hour later, i'm pouring the damn thing out.

6. Every morning when i first wake up, for the last several years, my brain picks up on the exact same spot in Michael Jackson's "Beat It". Specifically the part where he says, "No one wants to BEEEE deFEEEated!". Then i have to fight for the next hour or so to banish it. My goal is to have this done by the time i exit the shower, but it seldom works out that way.

7. I consult my Magic 8-Ball on matters that're probably too important to be consulting a Magic 8-Ball on.

8. I'm fascinated by palindromes.

9. I recently donated all of my boring, generic looking mugs to the Salvation Army. Then i set out on a quest to replace them all with interestingly shaped cups from thrift stores.

10. I really like big, unattractive looking purses. My prize purse is a purple bowling bag-looking aberration. It's awesome.

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