Tuesday, August 4, 2009

I Think My New Puppy Is Half Cat

She crouches and lies patiently in wait, knowing Bean will be coming around the corner at any moment; the clicking of his too-long toenails gives his position away. The poor, unsuspecting Bean walks right past her, oblivious to his impending danger- a mistake he is about to regret. Her patience rewarded, she springs up from her crouched position and pounces onto his back! Bean thrashes around, dislodging her easily, and she lands on her feet, strafing a little to the left. She wheels around on him and rears up on back legs, batting at his face with her front paws. Now that the element of surprise has been lost, he beats her back easily with short jabs of his rapier-like nose to her exposed belly, growling and baring his teeth at her. She arches her back, looking as though she's going to redouble her efforts at subduing him, but darts off instead.

With the infinite patience of the habitually bullied, Bean turns toward the couch, which she is both too small and too uncoordinated to jump up on yet, and makes good his escape. She watches him, unable to contain her frustration, and throws herself repeatedly at the couch, her protesting whines sounding remarkably like, "No fair!!" to my ears.

Regaining her composure, she stalks off to lie in wait again. The battle may be lost, but the war is far from over.


Stephanie Faris said...

I think my dog thinks she's a cat! She was around cats when she was a puppy so she does some very catlike things at times.

Corpus Christie said...

My puppy's never been exposed to a cat. I don't know what her deal is xD