Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Body Function Fail

Lately my jaw has been going lazy on me when i eat. I'll be mid-chew, and my jaw muscles start getting all kinds of tired, and then finishing the bite becomes this major undertaking. Every chomp stretches out in time like i started eating in slow-motion, taking forever to complete one mastication cycle and move on to the next. I reach up and massage the flagging mandible like a boxing coach rubbing down his prize fighter. I even kind of project a mental pep talk to it: 'Come on, you can do this! You can take that bite of tuna! That shit's practically already chewed for you, quit being such a pussy!' I kind of start bobbing my head a bit, like involving my neck is somehow gonna make the job easier, but it doesn't. It just makes my neck tired too.


Stephanie Faris said...

Get thee to a doctor. Is it possible you're grinding your teeth in the night? Or maybe TMJ?

Angelia said...

My comment on MS was meant to say that while you may not be happy about the jaw issues, perhaps the hubby is? /giggle

Corpus Christie said...

Stephanie- It's really not as bad as all that :) This was supposed to be funny, but it looks like i missed the mark this time. Everyone is showing a lot of concern.

Ang- Oh, I KNOW what you were getting at xD