Tuesday, November 17, 2009

A Tendency To Recycle Disposable Cups

I love a good disposable cup. Especially the kind with the sippy lids that stop the liquid inside from sloshing into the cupholders in my car. I'm not kidding, I will rinse and reuse that thing until the paper leaks and it looks like i've fished it out of a trash can.

So why not just buy myself a permanent, reusable thermal mug? I have; i've bought several, one of which i even liked. I lost the lid to the one i like. Others have had an array of problems: one dribbled liquid out from the crevice between the lid and the cup; another didn't fit in my cup holder, in spite of its label's promise to fit any cup holder; another one was too narrow for me to get my hand down inside and wash it properly; another one had a lid that was too complicated to wash properly. All of them seemed too bulky or top-heavy.

If they made a permanent reusable thermal mug that was shaped like a disposable one, i'd be all over it.



Angelia said...

I once bought a package of these kind of cups. 16 cups with lids. I reused those things until they were nasty looking. I think because I bought them, they were quite as disposable. However a random gas station one is hitting the can before I even think about it.

Corpus Christie said...

I reuse the fuck outta those too xD

Alissa Grosso said...

I don't usually travel with hot beverages because I am more likely to burn my tongue or spill it all over myself or something. Pretty much happens every time.

I never understood why people bought the package disposable ones before, but now I see that they have their benefits.

Stephanie Faris said...

I'm with ya on that one. I rarely need a hot drink to take with me but when I do, I like the size and portability of the disposable ones. Get this -- my boyfriend's mom is so into recycling, she bought us a plastic coffee filter. I have to wash it out every day before I can make his coffee. The bad part is, you can't wash coffee grounds down the sink...it can damage plumbing. Ever try to get coffee grounds out of a plastic filter? Not so easy.