Well, tomorrow's the big day. After four months of daily anticipation, the auditor is finally going to arrive. You'd think that during this four months i'd have had plenty of time to get everything ready for the audit to go smoothly, but the fact is, i still have more things to do than i have time to do them in. In a perfect world, i'd be able to go in to work today and have all the following done before i leave:
PS-2's and PS-20's.
All KF complete for all employees.
HIPAA training complete for all employees.
Last week's and this week's filing done.
The 2007 BOP inspection located and filed.
MCA/SCA efficiencies printed and filed.
The restricted area cleaned.
The unrestricted area cleaned.
My desk straightened up.
Wholesale training done.
The MSDS located for that bottle of ammonium acetate.
Q.C validations.
There's some more things that need to be done, but without my to-do list that i left at work, those're the most important ones i can think of off the top of my head.
The main problem i have is my pharmacists. They seem incapable of doing anything they consider to be "Tech work". So i have to devote unnecessary amounts of time daily to completing this "tech work" so that i can actually leave when i'm supposed to, and the things that i need to do to keep regulatory agencies happy tend to fall by the wayside because no one seems to care about them until the day before said regulatory agencies are due to arrive. Now my boss is all up my ass to get all this stuff that was taking the back burner to "tech work" done right the fuck now. Why can't anyone else see how little sense it makes to do things this way?
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