Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Protect And Serve, My Ass!

No one likes to brush too closely with the Law, policefolk in particular. I haven't had many dealings with them in my life, and especially in the past ten years. Yep, clean and unticketed. Up till the last three months.

Back in November, i was stopped twice in the same day for speeding (I know, what're the odds?!) The first time i was doing 51 in a35. There's a stretch of Ridge Road (the street i use daily to commute) with no stop signs or lights and the 35 mph limit just seems unreasonable. I've been flouting the 35 mph limit down this particular stretch for the better part of two years with impunity, so i guess it was bound to catch up to me one day; and that day was November 9th.

Anyhow, i was stopped, and the usual procedure ensued. You can usually tell by a cop's demeanor when they approach your window whether there's a chance you can talk your way out with a warning or not. . . this guy was ALL business, and i knew i didn't have a prayer. I couldn't really be mad at the guy, either, seeing as how i was doing 16 over the limit. I accepted my citation contritely and carried along my now less-than-merry way. What could i do?

I continued my journey down Ridge at the speed deemed appropriate by the state for a while, easing up off the pedal when i found myself making my way toward 40mph. I even turned my radio to something a little less energetic, as i have a nasty habit of unconsciously letting the pace of my music dictate my speed. I made it all the way to Broadway without incident, and continued with my unsatisfactory 35 mph when i noticed lights in my rear view again. I moved into the right hand lane, trying to get out of the cop's way, but he moved over with me, and it dawned on me that i was his intended target. Damn and double damn! I still had my damn license and registration laying on the passenger seat, but i didn't reach for them as i was absolutely POSITIVE i was only doing 35. I opened my door to ask what the problem was.

He replied that i was being pulled over for driving 35 in a 25. Fuck me, i'd completely forgotten that Ridge turns into a 25 mph zone after you cross over Broadway; i'd been so focused on keeping with 35 mph that i didn't even notice the sign. In a rush, i explained to him that i'd already been cited for speeding about ten minutes prior, and that i was honestly just trying to keep my speed down and didn't notice that the speed limit had changed. "You don't know how hard it is to drive the speed limit, man! You get to drive however fast you want and no one can say anything to you!" i finished weakly. To my surprise, the cop burst out laughing. 'Yeah, real funny,' i grumbled in my head. He walked away with my license and registration, and i sat in the car cursing myself volubly for my inattention and what it was going to cost me.

He returned a few minutes later with a warning in his hand and I swear the heavens opened up, and started trumpeting down HAAAAAA LAY LOU YAH in my grateful mind. I thanked the cop in a disgustingly obsequious fashion. He laughed again and told me to slow down AND pay attention, and i ceased sweating bullets as i made the rest of the trip home without incident. I really was grateful, because it was once again my fault, and he had mercifully granted what felt to me like a stay of execution. I was relatively sure i could get the other ticket dropped with a defensive driving course, and my insurance rates would remain securely where they are.

town,in an effort to offset the deficit it's currently running, made a money-saving decision last fall: to not plow snow off of the minor or neighborhood streets, or lay salt on them. At the time, i knew no good could come of this, but i had no idea at the time that my prophetic thoughts would be about me in particular. The last few weeks have been snowy ones, and though the town did decide to cave on the no-plowing policy, it remained steadfast in it's decision not to lay salt. So we've been driving on the poorly maintained streets, turning the remaining snow into sheets of ice.

Friday night, as i was driving in to work, i came to a stop sign. As i attempted to brake, i began sliding, and unfortunately slid my way right through the stop sign, narrowly missing a silver truck sitting on the other side of the intersection. Sliding while driving on ice is a reality i've been living with for many years now, but it never fails to make my heart race like Seabiscuit in the Triple Crown when it happens. I was SO glad i hadn't hit the truck. Ridge Road was the next intersection, and i was grateful to reach it, as it was much better-maintained due to its status as a main thoroughfare.

I drove down Ridge for about two miles when i saw lights in my rear view. I KNEW i wasn't speeding because the roads were incredibly treacherous and driving in snowy/icy conditions just scares the fuck out of me. I muttered some unflattering things about power-tripping cops who can't go around people as i moved over to get out of his way. He moved over with me. Wtf?! 'Great, now i'm gonna be late for work,' i thought darkly as he took his sweet-ass time getting to my window.

"What's the problem?" i asked as he finally ambled over to my window.
"You disregarded that stop sign back there."

It took me a moment to process what he was talking about, as there aren't any stop signs on Ridge until you get to Gary. Then it dawned on me that he'd followed me all the way from the intersection in my neighborhood.

"I didn't disregard it, i slid through it," i replied, trying not to be terse.

"Yes, well, you have to STOP at a stop sign," he replied, not trying to hide his terseness at all.

"I TRIED to, but the roads are kind of icy (in case you didn't notice, you sadistic fuck, i added in my mind). I'm just glad i didn't hit the truck."

"Well, you have to drive more slowly, and then you won't slide."

WHAT?! He was obviously not living in a world with the same laws of physics i was.

"Am i receiving a speeding ticket?" i demanded, my anger breaking through my thin veneer of control, " Is my speed at issue here?! I WAS driving slowly! I still slid!"

He ended up citing me anyway. Because the roads weren't maintained well enough for me to achieve a full stop at a stop sign. Though there's absolutely no doubt in my mind that the court will believe him over me, i plan to fight this ticket anyway. So much for the security of my insurance rates.

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